- You may not dispose of lead batteries may by including them in your household garbage, even if picked up by county or city workers. Batteries disposed of in this way would go to landfills in areas that may not provide sufficient protection for the local ecosystem if the battery corrodes or becomes cracked.
- You can dispose of most lead batteries at an EPA-approved facility for recycling. You can recycle most 60 percent of the contents of lead batteries if you do it properly. These facilities may charge a nominal fee to dispose of the battery for you.
- When you purchase a new lead battery, many retail outlets will expect you to turn in the old battery for recycling. Some may charge a refundable fee if you do not have the old battery with you at time of purchase; remember to take it with you.
More Cost-Effective
Recycled lead is cheaper to produce than virgin lead. Recycled lead takes less than 25% of the energy required to produce lead from ore extraction.
Conserves Resources
Recycling of lead has a smaller carbon footprint than mining, conserves ore reserves, and reduces the amount of waste associated with primary extraction
Benefits Human Health
A high recycling rate means that there is less opportunity for lead to end up in the waste stream where it requires would pose a health risk to people. In recent decades, the amount of lead from batteries ending up in landfills has dramatically decreased, and as a result, overall flow of lead to landfills has dropped markedly.
Reduces Strain on Landfills
By keeping lead out of landfills, recycling helps conserve landfills, and reduce the need for investment in controls to eliminate airborne particulate from incineration.
Improper and illegal disposal of lead acid batteries show up in the form of pollution of our drinking water, and food produced from ingredients exposed to small and moderate levels of lead content. humans are very susceptible to the effects of lead and children are the most vulnerable. Lead's primary target organ is the peripheral nervous system which cause poor growth, delayed learning and reduced intellect. This is also known as lead-poisoning.
This improper battery disposal needs to prevent and one should understand the responsibility towards the environment. The Battery Recycling firms should follow the environmental guidelines to make the environment pollution free.
Lead is a highly toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Lead may cause a range of health effects from behavioral problems and learning disabilities to seizures and death. Children six years old and under are most at risk because their bodies are growing quickly.
When a child puts an object containing lead in his or her mouth, the child can suffer from lead poisoning. For example, in 2003 a child became lead-poisoned from ingesting toy jewelry from a vending machine. On July 8, 2004, the threat of lead poisoning from toy jewelry led the CPSC to conduct a voluntary recall of 150 million pieces of metal toy jewelry sold widely in vending machines. Unfortunately, another incident occurred in 2006, when a child died from ingesting a toy charm containing lead. This incident prompted the voluntary recall of 300,000 charm bracelets. The charm and metal bracelets were given as free gifts with the purchase of shoes from one manufacturer.
Toy jewelry containing unsafe levels of lead has continued to be sold even after CPSC issued guidance to prevent the sale of these products. In addition to toy jewelry products containing lead, other products containing lead have been recalled, such as crayons, chalk and clothing. For a list of recalls, including recalls for products containing lead, visit CPSC's Toy Hazards Recall Listing.... .. Read More>>
With this addition, the enhanced capacity of Gravita India Limited will be 45,900 MT per annum. The addition of M/s K.M. Udyog, Jammu is expected to improve the top and bottom line of the Company by around
So if the recycling is in a systematic manner and gets processed properly, nothing gets affected (Environment, Marine life, People around, Birds, Animals etc.)
So for the same everybody has to be aware about its effects, which is eventually affecting us in indirect way so Gravita took the step ahead and launched PROJECT GREEN on 5th Feb 2011.
What is a Lead Acid Battery?
Battery is a source of Energy, it is becoming a substitute or alternate of power, it is used in two wheelers , four wheelers, Invertors, that means at present , without batteries its hard to think of living, but when it becomes scrap, and we sell it, we are not aware, that it contains Lead metal, Lead oxides & Acid Which is toxic, hazardous and Long-term exposure to even tiny amounts of lead can cause brain and kidney damage, hearing impairment, and learning problems in children. So to protect & to save environment, we should be aware and educate our surroundings about this.
Our object is to make aware end users of batteries, battery dealers, lead scrap & battery vendors about the lead metal, that this is a hazardous, toxic metal, and anything contained lead like battery, should not dropped or left in the general public areas or dropped in river, pond or sea, should not be sold to the people who are not recycling it in eco-environmental manner, because these all situations will be the cause of spoiling environment , and that will cause contamination of lead metal in blood, in water , and its smoke will be in air that we breath.
Prior to smelting, batteries are usually broken up and sorted into their constituent products. Fractions of cleaned plastic (such as polypropylene) case are recycled into battery cases or other products. The dilute sulfuric acid is either neutralized for disposal or recycled to the local acid market. One of the three main smelting processes is then used to reduce the lead fractions and produce Lead bullion.
Most domestic battery scrap is processed in blast furnaces, rotary furnaces, or reverberatory furnaces. A reverberatory furnace is more suitable for processing fine particles and may be operated in conjunction with a blast furnace. Blast furnaces produce hard lead from charges containing siliceous slag from previous runs (about 4.5% of the charge), scrap iron (about 4.5%), limestone (about 3%), and coke (about 5.5%). The remaining 82.5% of the charge is made up of oxides, pot furnace refining drosses, and reverberatory slag. The proportions of rerun slags, limestone, and coke vary but can run as high as 8% for slags, 10% for limestone, and 8% for coke.
The processing capacity of the blast furnace ranges from 20 to 80 metric tons per day (tpd). Newer secondary recovery plants use lead paste desulfurization to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions and generation of waste sludge during smelting. Battery paste containing lead sulfate and lead oxide is desulfurized with soda ash, yielding market-grade sodium sulfate as a byproduct. The desulfurized paste is processed in a reverberatory furnace, and the lead carbonate product may then be treated in a short rotary furnace. The battery grids and posts are processed separately in a rotary smelter.
Key Features & Services
- Lead Acid Battery Recycling Technology
- Secondary Lead Smelting Plants
- Lead Refining, Alloying Techniques & Equipments
- Lead Sub-Oxide, Red Lead & Litharge Manufacturing Plants
- Pollution Control Systems for Lead Processing Industries
- Technical Consultancy & Services for Lead Recycling & Smelting Operations
- Training of Personnel for Lead Processing
- Designing & Retrofitting of Existing Pollution Control Plant / Battery Recycling Plant
- PLC based Control & Monitor System for advanced setups
- Layout & Thorough Engineering design of the Plant
- Supply of complete Plant & Machinery
- Provide assistance and supervision of the Plant Erection
- Commissioning of the Plant
- Provide process information and Training to your personnel
- Establish process and product quality
Great care should therefore be employed when removing acid by draining thecasing. Once it is collected, it is important that the acid be neutralised toincrease the pH (and hence reduce its corrosiveness) but also to remove thelead dissolved in the acid.
The acid should be diluted with an excess of water to give a 5 to 10-folddilution. The liquid should then be neutralized by mixing with an equal volumeof agricultural lime, or other alkaline material containing calcium carbonate, orsodium hydroxide. Use ofhydrated lime has the advantage of lower cost per unit of neutralizing capacitywhen compared to sodium hydroxide.
Coral rock may be an alternative in many PICs, although use of calciumcarbonate or sodium hydroxide is preferred. The coral rock to be used shouldbe dead coral, preferably washed ashore which can be crushed finely andadded to the liquid requiring neutralization. If the ro ck is to be used, it shouldbe crushed into very small particles to increase the surface area so that the neutralization reaction can proceed as fast as possible. If large particles areadded to the acid it may take a lot longer for the same neutralization level tobe reached.
After the additive has been mixed with the acid, universal paper is to be usedto test the resulting pH of the liquid. (Universal paper can be purchasedcheaply from chemical companies, again contact details are included later).Once the liquid has reached a pH of 7.5 it has been neutralised and is safe todischarge to the environment. It is important to ensure that the pH is withinthe range of pH 7-8, as outside of this range there will be levels of lead stilldissolved into solution.
To remove the lead precipitates after neutralization, the solution must then befiltered. Soil can be used as an appropriate filter medium. A column of soilcontained in a metal container ie. 44 gallon metal drum with each endremoved, may be suitable for this purpose. The liquid once drained throughthis filter is ready for release to the environment.
The soil should be regularly replaced if large quantities of battery acid is beingfiltered. It is crucial that the soil must be encapsulated by mixing with wetconcrete and can then be disposed to landfill as general waste. If the soil isnot mixed with concrete, the lead will leach through the soil and becomemobile in landfill leachate in high concentrations.
Another way to treat acid is to process it by reacting it with sodium hydroxideto convert it to sodium sulfate, an odorless white powder used in laundrydetergent, glass and textile manufacturing. This process takes a material thatwould be discarded and turns it into a useful product.
Generally there are two types of Lead-acid storage batteries, based on their method of construction Flooded or Sealed. Flooded (or wet) Lead acid batteries are those where the electrodes / plates are immersed in electrolyte. Sealed Lead acid or valve-regulated Lead acid (VRLA) battery where the electrolyte is immobilized. All Lead-acid batteries produce hydrogen and oxygen gas (gassing) at the electrodes during charging through a process called electrolysis. These gases are allowed to escape a flooded cell, however the sealed cell is constructed so that the gases are contained and recombined.
Lead Acid Battery waste Recycling
The grid structure in both batteries is made from a Lead alloy. A pure Lead grid structure is not strong enough & therefore other metals like antimony, calcium, tin, and selenium in small quantities are alloyed for added strength and improved electrical properties.
The electrolyte in a Lead-acid battery is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The negative electrode of a fully charged battery is composed of sponge Lead (Pb) and the positive electrode is composed of Lead dioxide (PbO). The separator is used to electrically isolate the positive and negative electrodes.
Waste Batteries:
The typical Lead-acid battery comprises of: metal grids, electrode paste, Sulphuric acid, connectors and poles of Lead alloy, and grid separators made up of PVC. The battery components are contained in corrosion and heat-resistant housing usually composed of plastic (polycarbonate, polypropylene, or polystyrene).
The composition of waste batteries include:Lead: 25-30%(alloy, components, (grids, poles))Electrode paste (fine particles of lead oxide and lead sulphate): 35-45%Sulphuric Acid 10% to 15%Polypropylene: 5-8%Other plastic (PVC, other plastic): 1-3%Other materials 0-5%
In the past, grids were mainly made from antimony Lead alloys, but new trends show an increase in the usage of calcium Lead alloys. The electrode paste of used batteries is a mixture of Lead sulphate and Lead oxide. The composition of typical battery scrap material is given in Table.
Drained Lead Acid Battery Scrap
Drained Lead Acid Battery Scrap shall consist of whole drained lead/acid batteries. May contain plastic or rubber cases, but may not contain wooden, metal or glass cases. Similar to ISRI code RAINS.
This is the most preferred type of raw material for Lead recyclers/smelters or recycling/smelting Industries. We provide Rotary based Smelting plants for processing such raw material with equipments & machines for handling & separation of Lead.
Lead compounds were universally added to petrol to improve its efficiency at low cost. This has been the major source of lead emissions to the environment. It is now being phased out almost universally because of concerns about health impacts.
Lead batteries contain many potentially hazardous materials, including acid, which can seep into the local ecosystem if not properly disposed of. Improper disposal of lead batteries can lead to a fine from local government officials.
Lead demand in India is expanding by 10 percent to 12 percent a year, about twice the global rate, on increased battery sales and infrastructure projects, according to recycler Gravita India Ltd.
“There is a good expansion in the automobile, telecom and power sector,” Navin Sharma, marketing vice president, said from Jaipur. The company’s sales were about 50 percent higher over the first three quarters of this fiscal year compared with a year earlier, Sharma said yesterday by phone.
Metals demand in the second-most populous nation may gain 80 percent in the next five years, Barclays Capital forecast in a report last November, saying commodity consumption has reached a “tipping point.” Lead futures on the London Metal Exchange have gained about 11 percent over the past year.
“Car sales is the big driver,” Sharma said. “There is a shortage of power, so all batteries for the office backup as well home backup, the inverters, will also be a good driver.”
Three-month lead futures traded at $2,538 per metric ton on the LME at 11:29 a.m. in Singapore. The price more than doubled in 2009 as the global economy emerged from recession, and increased a further 4.9 percent in 2010.
Lead should remain “firm” in 2011, trading between $2,300 and $2,800 a ton, Sharma said. LME lead futures peaked this year at $2,712.75 a ton on Jan. 6, the highest level since 2008, when they surged to $3,480 a ton.
Annual Demand
Annual lead demand in India is about 500,000 tons, with about half of that total met through recycling, Sharma said. Gravita India produces about 20,000 tons of the metal domestically a year, he said.
China, the world’s largest metal consumer, used about 4 million tons of refined lead in 2010, up 3.9 percent from a year earlier, according to data from the International Lead and Zinc Study Group.
India’s government estimates annual vehicle sales may double to 3 million by 2015, helped by rising incomes and the creation of new jobs. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh plans to double spending on roads, ports and power plants to $1 trillion in the five years to 2017 to improve infrastructure.
“We foresee good demand in the future also because of infrastructure and power projects,” said Sharma.
India’s economy may expand more than China’s in the next 10 years if investment curbs are lifted and there’s increased spending on roads and bridges, according to a forecast last month from New York University professor Nouriel Roubini.
The South Asian country’s gross domestic product climbed 8.9 percent for a second straight quarter in the July-to- September period, according to government figures. China’s economy expanded 10.3 percent in 2010, the fastest pace in three years, the statistics bureau said in a reportLead
* Preliminary data compiled by the ILZSG for the first eleven months of 2011 indicate that the global refined lead metal market was in surplus by 41kt (kiloton) and that, over the same period, total reported inventory levels increased by 53kt.
* A rise in world lead mine production of 7.8 percent, compared to the first eleven months of 2010, was primarily influenced by increased production in Australia, China, India, Mexico and the Russian Federation which more than offset declines in Ireland, Peru and the United States.
* Global production of refined lead metal rose by 5.8 percent. This was mainly due to further growth in Chinese output.
* The main drivers behind a rise in world demand for refined lead metal of 6.3 percent were an increase in Chinese apparent usage of 8.2 percent and recoveries in Europe and Japan after sharp reductions in 2009.
* According to the most recent information available to the ILZSG, world supply of refined zinc metal exceeded demand by 223kt over the period January to November 2011. Over the same period, after having taken into account 50kt of refined zinc released by the Chinese State Reserve Bureau in November, total reported stock levels increased by 201kt.
* Global global refined lead metal market was in surplusby 9.7 percent compared to the first eleven months of 2010. This was primarily due to higher output in Australia, China, Mexico and the Russian Federation.
* Increases in Belgium, Brazil, Peru, China, India, the United States and a number of other countries resulted in an overall global rise in world refined zinc metal production of 14.5 percent.
* The principal influences on an increase in world usage of refined zinc metal of 16.7 percent were strong recoveries in demand in Europe, Japan and the Republic of Korea together with further growth in Chinese apparent demand of 14.9 percent.
The 2011 edition of the ILZSG ‘Lead and Zinc New Mine and Smelter Projects’ report, with details of more than 200 lead and zinc projects, is now available under ilzsg.org.